

Elegant DIY Wine Bottle Hurricane Candle Lanterns

diy wine bottle hurricane candle lantern

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The finished wine bottle hurricane lanterns featured above come from and their prices range from $89 to $249. All I can say is really? I mean REALLY? That’s the most ridiculous {continue reading...}

15 Delicious & Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories

snacks under 100 calories

DON’T MISS OUT!!! Enter for a chance to win one of TWO FREE Dremel Kits, the must have DIY tool! DETAILS HERE.

You know the feeling you get around 3:00pm? The one where you just need to put something in your mouth. Sometimes it’s a sweet craving; sometimes salty. Sometimes you tend to fight it because {continue reading...}

Beautiful DIY Zen Water Fountain

diy outdoor water fountain

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I love water fountains. There’s something very tranquil about the sounds of trickling water that brings a sense of peace. The only problem is that outdoor water fountains can be sooo expensive. We’re talking hundreds {continue reading...}

Easy DIY Board and Batten/Wainscoting On A Budget

board and batten how to

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Looking for a brilliant (yes, I said brilliant!), yet budget friendly way to enhance your home’s decorative elements? Well, I’ve found it for you and I’m so excited to share this easy idea. Board and batten/wainscoting. {continue reading...}

DIY Melted-Bead Sun Catcher & Coasters

how to make diy pony bead sun catcher

DON’T MISS OUT!!! ONLY 7 MORE DAYS TO ENTER for a chance to win one of TWO FREE Dremel Kits, the must have DIY tool! DETAILS HERE.

Imagine these beautiful sun catchers hanging on your front porch catching the morning light and refracting a stream of colors. Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore. These beautiful sun catchers are so easy to create. {continue reading...}

How To Heal Cavities

How To Heal Cavities Naturally For A Beautiful Smile

DON’T MISS OUT!!! Enter for a chance to win one of TWO FREE Dremel Kits, the must have DIY tool! DETAILS HERE.

Have you heard of oil pulling? I haven’t until now. It’s an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that using {continue reading...}