In the last dozen years I’ve gone through three printers (an HP, an Epson, and a Cannon), and even though I’m a printaholic, I haven’t purchased a single ink replacement cartridge for any of them. How

In the last dozen years I’ve gone through three printers (an HP, an Epson, and a Cannon), and even though I’m a printaholic, I haven’t purchased a single ink replacement cartridge for any of them. How
A special thanks to the Mom It Forward Blogger Network and Fruttare for inviting me to attend the Fruttare Fruit Farm event this past weekend and
A few weeks ago, this hobbit crawled out of her little hobbit hole and went on an adventure; and a most excellent adventure it was.
I headed off to one of the most beautiful places on earth, the canyons of Southern Utah. I’m
I’ve seen a number of Pinterest pins on removing labels from glass bottles, although I’ve never actually viewed any of those posts since I’ve never needed to remove any labels…until now.
You see, I needed
It's that time of year when all things frightful come creeping, crawling, slithering, and squirming out of every dark corner. Not only is Halloween right around the corner, but next week is the season premier of Walking Dead! I've been waiting for this for MONTHS!
So with all the fun scary stuff going on, I got my DIY groove on and jumped on board. You all know how much I love working with concrete/cement, with all its endless possibilities. Well my latest concrete project is a DIY concrete tombstone. And this is just about the easiest DIY project you'll come across. Read More...
Never lose track of this project! PIN IT and ‘Like’ it on facebook so you’ll always find it.
This picture reminds me of a trip I took to Las Vegas a few years ago for a girls weekend. The friends I was with
Never lose track of this project! PIN IT and ‘Like’ it on facebook so you’ll always find it.
Here’s another just for fun post. Student, Brian Hull, put together this video for a contest to simply win